Forum information: Co-operating organisations and companies
- AFIDE, Association for Industry and Development
Experts, Vienna (Austria)
- BMU, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nuture Conservation
and Nuclear Safety, Berlin (Germany)
- CLARINET (Austria)
- Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Geotechnical Sciences (The Netherlands)
- Emonument, Assebroek (Belgium)
- BMU, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety, Berlin (Germany)
- EEA, European Environment Agency, Envirowindows,
Copenhagen (Denmark)
- IFA, Institute for Agrobiotechnology. Dept. for
Environmental Biotechnology, Tulln (Austria)
- Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia,
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- ITÜ, Istanbul Technical University, Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Istanbul (Turkey)
- ITVA, Ingenieurtechnischer Verband Altlasten e.
V., Berlin (Germany)
- IWU, Magdeburg (Germany)
- Jordforsk, Centre for Soil and Environmental Research,
Aas (Norway)
- Pesticides Action Network Africa, Dakar (Senegal)
- Pesticides Action Network, London (United Kingdom)
- Radioisotopes Laboratory, Biophysics Institute,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- Regierungspräsidium Dessau (Germany)
- Recetox -Tocoen & Associates, Brno (Czech Republic)
- UNEP Chemicals. United Nations Environment Programme,
Geneva (Switzerland)
- University of Ljubljana, Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry (Slovenia)
- Umweltbundesamt - Federal Environment Agency, Berlin
- Umweltbundesamt - Federal Environment Agency, Vienna
- Wageningen University, Laboratory of Microbiology
(The Netherlands)