Forum information

What is the International HCH & Pesticides Forum?

The International HCH and Pesticides Forum is a technical forum, open for discussions and interactions among the pesticides manufacturing industry, international, national and regional authorities, NGOs, Research and Development Institutes, contractors, consultants and other knowledgeable and interested parties. The aim of the Forum is to find technical solutions to the problems arising from the (former) production and application of pesticides.



The aim of 12th International HCH and Pesticide Forum is to present and discuss the problems connected with a huge amount of obsolete pesticides in the regions of Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia and many others around the Globe, their inventory, present amounts and elimination, which had started successfully during the previous eleven Forums. This Forum is undertaken in the light of the achievements being made since the 7th Forum being held exactly a decade ago in Ukraine and this is an ideal moment to make status of progress and to introduce new important initiatives that will lead to a sustainable strategy to finally solve this problem. Further development of a parallel strategy for a sustainable agriculture using less chemicals and avoiding new obsolete pesticides. It is also taking into account the developments being followed by the Public Hearing in the European Parliament in June 2010, which has become a milestone for stronger engagement of EU Commission with other stakeholders.



The Forum objectives are:



The preliminary programme of the 12th Forum includes three days discussions and one day field trip on the 9th of November.

Special workshops on (preliminary version) are proposed: